There are a lot of average people walking around who have Champion buried inside them, but are not trained or are not willing to do the work needed. Being average is a choice. You were created to be a Champion.
— Coach Kaligis, University of Wyoming


Whether he's on the football field, mountain bike trail, ski slope, business shark tank, or inside the operating room, Russ has been coaching, teaching, and mentoring his entire career. He is constantly amazed how the lessons learned in one aspect of life transfer directly into wisdom and sage advice in others. He combines his vast coaching experience in sports, business, medicine, and personal life as a father of five, to provide exactly what you need to hear exactly when you need to hear it.

The mountains are calling and I must go.
— John Muir

With that said, Russ will rarely tell someone that a calculated personal risk just isn't worth it because, as a survivor of cancer and genetic cardiovascular disease, he has "been there" and understands why we even contemplate such endeavors. He knows all too well the call of the mountains and the thrill of laying it all on the line because it is the only thing that actually makes you feel alive. There are times in your life when only you can make that call. 

Through emails, one-on-one televisits, and in-person, Russ works personally with individuals seeking to take their purpose and potential to the next level.


CALL Park City Performance Medicine

(435) 200-3452