Inactivity and lack of exercise is one of the greatest global health risks facing the world today. Maintaining physical fitness can reduce your risk of dying by 50 percent.
— World Health Organization


Determining how your body is performing and speeding its recovery when you are injured is what we do. Based upon decades of experience in Cardiovascular Surgery, Orthopedics, and Sports Medicine, our staff at Park City Performance Medicine focuses on helping active individuals stay healthy, recover faster, live longer, and enjoy better lives. Inactivity and lack of exercise is one of the greatest global health risks facing the world today. We want to keep you active and performing at your peak so you can live the life you desire.

Park City Performance Medicine is located in beautiful Park City, Utah. We are partnered with Heiden Orthopedics, Elevated Nutrition, and HeadStrong Consulting together with whom we provide a comprehensive Human Performance program for the athletic lifestyle. Performance services available to our clients include cardiac health & fitness for the athlete's heart, exercise testing, nutritional counseling and mental conditioning. 

We specialize in Executive Health & Human Performance for athletic individuals looking to get the most out of life.
— Park City Performance Medicine


Executive Physical Redefined

Maintaining a high level of physical fitness can reduce your risk of dying by 50 percent. Participating in moderate to high intensity exercise can reduce your risk even more.  

At Park City Performance Medicine we are redefining the executive physical model to meet the demands of today's most active lifestyles. High priced executive physicals at the world's most famous medical institutions and expensive gym memberships are great for most people, but we are not most people. Like you, we consider ourselves active athletic individuals first and executives second. This means we care as much about how our bodies perform outside the building, on the road and trail, as we do about how they perform inside in the boardroom. 

Who said doctors visits can’t be fun?

The Human Field Test

One time annual exams and lab tests performed within the walls of a sterile office is the way most centers assess wellbeing, but not us.  At Park City Performance Medicine we take you outside the office, onto the road, trail, or slope and find out what your fitness status is in the real world. And, there is no better venue in the country more suited to do this than the beautiful mountains of Park City, Utah.  Who said doctors visits can't be fun?

We all know lots of things change as we "get up to speed" and if you want your race car to win the race, you have to drive it "at speed" on the race track in order to really know how she performs. Your body is your race car and your heart is it's engine and we get you the data and performance metrics you need to keep both performing at the highest level.

We will also spend a few hours inside the office doing the standard stuff the other guys do, like blood work, body composition and nutritional analysis, but we believe the human field test and getting to know you for the long haul are the real keys to unlocking your success. least 2 to 2.5 hours per week of moderate-intensity physical activity is sufficient to significantly decrease all-cause mortality rates.
— U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services


Once you have your baseline numbers and know where you stand we can coach you toward reaching your next performance goal and staying healthy for life. If you are already working with a coach or trainer who you like, that's awesome! We want to work with her and be a resource to make sure she has all the data needed to take you to the next level. 

If you're recovering from a setback like major surgery, cancer or something else, we can accompany you on that often lonely road from Recovery to Peak Performance and get you back in the game. 

If getting the most out of life is your goal and you need a little help staying on track or getting it right, Russ can help you define your purpose, stay the course and maximize your potential through our limited membership Life Coaching program.


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(435) 200-3452

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