Russ Reiss has redefined the executive physical.
— Paul Zane Pilzer, Author of The New Health Insurance Solution


As physicians, athletes and health professionals living in Park City, Utah, we recognize how uniquely positioned we are to arm the active individual with expert care and advice on staying healthy, preventing injury and getting the absolute most out of life. Therefore, we have redefined the traditional "sick care" model for highly active individuals who take their health and human performance very seriously.  Our clinic provides a healthcare experience like no other, in fact, it is more like a recreational event than a doctor's visit. By providing an enjoyable comprehensive performance medicine program with ongoing follow-up, our goal is get you to think of good health and peak performance as the most rewarding part of living a great life.

The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and treat disease with nutrition.
— Thomas Edison

In 2018, health care delivery is still based upon "sick care", with doctors addressing acute and chronic disease or injury when it arises or when it requires ongoing management. Primary care providers today are overwhelmed treating patients in this inefficient model. As such, a few providers have been able to break out and now offer "wellness" tools, tips and products, which are supposed to be the answer to preventing disease and living a healthier life. Performance Medicine, however, is actually the next step, and goes far beyond a routine office visit or the generic wellness program. It is a comprehensive "program" that focuses on maximizing all aspects of human performance including strength, endurance, physical fitness, metabolic efficiency, proper nutrition and mental toughness. The goal of Performance Medicine is to increase resistance to disease, avoid injury and illness, and promote functioning at a peak level of performance in all aspects of life.

Park City Performance Medicine offers individualized Performance Medicine services for all levels of clients who are determined to stay active and succeed in recreational and athletic endeavors while maintaining a healthy lifestyle for years to come. The key to lasting success in life is knowing where you are and where you are going. Regarding our health, it all starts with taking care of your heart, optimizing your nutrition, honing both your physical and mental capacity and maximizing your overall functional performance. At Park City Performance Medicine, we help you achieve all of this and more. 

We also realize that people are different and that everyone has different goals and available resources, therefore we have designed both flexibility and variety into our programs to meet the needs of anyone who wants to take his or her health, fitness, and personal performance to the next level.

The Field Test

The Field Test is unique to Park City Performance Medicine. As part of our premium membership packages you will spend time with our professional staff "in the field" doing something fun and athletic. Unless the weather is really, really bad (which is almost never the case in Park City) this activity will be outside, mild to moderately strenuous, and involve an athletic endeavor such as hiking, biking or skiing. Park City and the surrounding Wasatch range is a year round, outdoor paradise and the perfect venue for hiking, running, road and mountain biking, nordic and alpine skiing, and snowshoeing. We also have venues for skating, swimming, bouldering, rock climbing, and many other recreational activities.

We feel that the Field Test is an important component of our executive performance membership programs because it is not only incredibly fun,  it allows us to really get to know you outside of the office, how you approach your health and fitness “on the road or trail,” and what is your mental capacity with regard to achieving your goals. Yes, it also gets us out of the office and allows us to practice what we preach.


(435) 200-3452


Read MORE about our Performance Medicine Executive Membership PACKAGES 

Bronze Executive Membership

The "Basic Package" introduces casual "athletes" to personalized and individual attention from our team and arms them with the data and metrics they will need to get to the next level of human performance.


SilveR Executive Membership

Our "Comprehensive Package" is designed for those very serious about their health and fitness but who may not have the additional time and resources to take advantage of our Elite Gold Package.

Weekend warriors and anyone contemplating competition or already training for their next big event, this is the package for you.

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GolD Executive Membership

The "Elite Package" is designed for the anyone with the drive and commitment to perform at their highest level of performance. This is a great package for endurance athletes and those aspiring to compete at the Masters level, although anyone can take advantage of this amazing program.

It offers nearly twice the service of our Silver Package and integrates you into an exclusive group of individuals determined get the most out of life through regular exercise and athletic activity. 

CALL Park City Performance Medicine

(435) 200-3452