We only focus on what you can do, not on what you cannot.   

Whether you are recovering from cancer, major surgery or some other major setback in your life, hopefully at some point you will decide it's time to really get back in the game. The good news is that there is no set schedule for this and everyone's story is different, so there is no urgency or rush except for the one you place upon yourself. However, once you're ready there is a whole community of people out there who have walked in your shoes and are willing to help you get back up to peak performance. Most of these survivors are living better lives than ever. Russ Reiss is one of them.

Click here to read about Russ' own successful road from Recovery to Peak Performance after surviving genetic cardiovascular disease and cancer.

Jogging path, Pheasant Branch Conservatory, Middleton, Wisconsin

Jogging path, Pheasant Branch Conservatory, Middleton, Wisconsin

Relationships & Community

The process of recovery is personal. Everyone has their own pace and path and for most of us, in the beginning we often just want some space and time to process it all. There are just so many issues that pop up everyday needing to be addressed and many of them are highly personal. The mental component alone is incredibly stressful. But after that initial stage of introspection, it is the relationships and community that ultimately gets us though the day and back up to speed. Park City Performance Medicine is part of that community and are professionals who not only have empathy for your situation but understand what is really possible in the face of adversity. We only focus on what you can do and not on what you can't.

Deploying the standard principles of physical fitness, sound nutrition, and mental toughness, the Recovery to Peak Performance program provides you with the support you need to put things behind you and make the most out of every day ahead.


(435) 200-3452