Waiting until you have a problem is the old model and Ben Franklin said it best, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." That's why we want to meet you now, before you have an issue. Maintaining a healthy heart is the foundation for everything else in life and you should not put it off.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
— Benjamin Franklin

Heart Care today is mainly focused on patients suspected of having heart problems and those already diagnosed with heart disease. This is because today's hospital-based business models profit by treating everyone as "patients", so much so they even treat healthy people as patients. Most of the big healthcare systems now offer a range of fee-for-service medical tests for healthy people through their "wellness centers." However, most of these centers exist just to screen their own employees for medical issues and promote weight loss and smoking cessation within their corporate population. What the hospitals and big systems don't have is the personal touch and a streamlined, utilitarian approach to your personal health and your heart before there is a problem and you really do become a patient. Our cost effective, preventative approach is what we call Cardiac Care 2.0.  

It’s not just about expensive tests and 15 minute office visits. As a physician, if you really care, it can’t be.
— Russ Reiss, MD

Cardiac and human performance testing can be performed in big hospitals and wellness centers, however, unless you have the right like-minded professionals by your side, coaching you along the way as you continue to stay active and athletic for years to come, at minimum, you will struggle and at worse you will end up with a serious health issue or a heart problem. 

It's your only heart so take care of it

Heart health doesn't have to be complicated. For most people it is really just about knowing where you stand and having someone help you make healthy choices and use good judgement as you age with grace and vigor and embark upon what ever challenge comes next. If you already have heart disease, it is all the more reason you need a coach or advocate outside the traditional "sick care" system where the real world and real life happens.

Inactivity and lack of exercise is the greatest health risk facing America today. Maintaining physical fitness can reduce your risk of dying by 50 percent.

Cardiac Screening

Park City Performance Medicine offers cardiac screening for all ages and considers it essentially mandatory for endurance athletes and anyone contemplating a rigorous training regimen.  Once we have you in our system we stay with you and show you how to use your own personal cardiac data to stay healthy and reach your next personal summit. 



Basic Labs once a year are usually all that is needed and shouldn't cost a fortune. Knowing your numbers is critical toward making the right lifestyle choices.

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Next to labs and a good history and physical, the EKG is the simplest starting place toward getting a picture of your heart health. Commonly used to screen for heart attacks and electrical problems, it can show many other problems that often go undetected until there is a real problem, especially in younger people and athletes.

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Advanced IMAGING

Noninvasive cardiac imaging such as a Calcium Scan or an Echocardiogram show heart anatomy and function and complete the cardiac picture for 99% of people looking to be completely informed about their heart's structure, function and overall health. Depending on cardiac risk factors, many clients do not need this level of testing.


Once you know where your heart stands you need to get a bigger picture of what your body can do as a whole. Knowing your human performance numbers and what your body is actually capable of is the single best data set you can have in your possession. This is your baseline information for the rest of your human performance program and the rest of your life. Once you really know where you are you can then build a training plan with the best chance of success. Click here to read more about Cardiac and Performance Testing like Lactate Threshold and VO2 Max, and here to explore our Executive Performance Packages.

CALL Park City Performance Medicine

(435) 200-3452