The Field Test is unique to Park City Performance Medicine. As part of our premium membership packages you will spend time with our professional staff  "in the field" doing something fun and athletic. Unless the weather is really, really bad (which is almost never the case in Park City) this activity will be outside, mild to moderately strenuous, and involve an athletic endeavor such as hiking, biking or skiing. Park City and the surrounding Wasatch range is a year round, outdoor paradise and the perfect venue for hiking, running, road and mountain biking, nordic and alpine skiing, and snowshoeing. We also have venues for skating, swimming, bouldering, rock climbing, and many other recreational activities.

We feel that the Field Test is an important component of our executive performance membership programs because it is not only incredibly fun, it allows us to really get to know you outside of the office, how you approach your health and fitness “on the road or trail,” and what is your mental capacity with regard to achieving your goals. Yes, it also gets us out of the office and allows us to practice what we preach.