Functional Movement Screen
The Functional Movement Screen or FMS is a screening tool used to identify limitations or asymmetries in seven fundamental movement patterns that are key to functional movement quality. These movement patterns are designed to provide observable performance of basic locomotor movements by placing an individual in positions where weaknesses and imbalances become noticeable if appropriate mobility and motor control is not utilized. The FMS assesses seven basic movement patterns to identify tightness and weakness in the body – so you can correct them before they cause major problems.

Balance, Strength, Muscle Health & Fuel Rating
Balance is the ability to maintain the body’s center of gravity over its base of support. Since individuals with poor balance are at a greater risk of injury testing can be an important part of a performance evaluation process.  Strength plays very important role in performance depending on the sport or event an athlete is participating in. Fitness and health of the appropriate muscle groups are critical and can be evaluated using state of the art ultrasound technology. Muscle health, size and Fuel rating (glycogen content) can be accurately measured and comparison to large data sets based on age/sex matched populations and known needs of specific sports. Knowing the status of your muscle health and fuel rating will help you train more efficiently and avoid injuries from overtraining, nutritional deficits or lack of sufficient recovery time.