Professional Experience:

2003-2006      Cardiothoracic Surgeon, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT

2003-2010       Cardiothoracic Surgeon, George E. Wahlen VA, Salt Lake City, UT

2011-2014         Cardiothoracic Surgeon & Interventional Cardiologist, 

Director, Heart Valve Clinic and Transcatheter Valve Therapies

Dean & St. Mary’s Cardiac Center, Madison, WI

2015-Present    Cardiothoracic Surgeon, Memorial Hospital,

University of Colorado Health System, Colorado Springs, CO

2017-Present    Founder and Director, Park City Performance Medicine, Park City, UT

Education and Training:

1987            La Salle University, Philadelphia, PA (BA)

1993            Hahnemann University School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA (MD)

1993-1999    Intern/Resident, General Surgery, Hahnemann University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA

1995-1998    Research Fellow, The Center for Gene Therapy, Philadelphia, PA

1999-2001    Resident, General Surgery, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT

2001-2003   Fellow, Cardiothoracic Surgery, University of Utah 

2010-2011     Fellow, Interventional Cardiology, TAVR & Hybrid Cardiac Surgery, NYP-Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY

Board Certification:

1994            National Board of Medical Examiners     Certificate no. 431025

2002           American Board of Surgery                   Certificate no. 47315

2004           American Board of Thoracic Surgery      Certificate no. 6981  (recert 2013)

Licensure & DEA:

Colorado:            Physician Medical Doctor    License no. DR.0056019

New York:           Medicine & Surgery             License no. 257447 (inactive)

Pennsylvania:      Physician & Surgeon           License no. MD-056956-L (inactive)

Utah:                   Physician & Surgeon           License no. 4829190-1205 

Wisconsin:          Medicine & Surgery             License no. 56363-20

DEA  Utah Registration No.           FR6613574

DEA  Colorado Registration No.   BR7115531            

Industry Experience:

2003-2006       Co-Founder, Xelas Therapeutics, Salt Lake City, UT

2004-2010        Scientific Advisory Board (SAB), Bacterin, Inc. Belgrade, MT    

2005-present    SAB, Medisurg Research and Management Corporation, Norristown, PA

2005-2010        Consultant, WorldHeart Corporation, Oakland, CA

2006-2008       Consultant, Glycosan Biosystems, Salt Lake City, UT

2006-2008       Consultant, Allocure, Salt Lake City, UT

2007-2008       Medical Director, University of Utah Cord Blood Program

2007-2009       Co-Director, Center of Excellence for Cell Therapy and Regenerative Medicine

2007-2009       Co-Founder, Dycera, Salt Lake City, UT

2007-2010        Co-Founder & Medical Director, University of Utah Cell Therapy Facility

2007-2011         Medical Director, Creating Wellness, Mahwah, NJ

2007-2015        Member, Park City Angel Network, Park City, UT

2007-present    Principal, R5 BioSystems, Park City, UT

2013-present     Board Member, SymbioCellTech, Salt Lake City, UT

2014-present     Co-Founder, Transit Scientific, Park City, UT

Additional Certification:

1993 – 2001        Advanced Trauma Life Support

1993 – Present    Basic Cardiac Life Support         

1993 – Present    Advanced Cardiac Life Support     

“Care and Utilization of Animals in Biomedical Research,” Allegheny University of the Health Sciences, IACUC, Certification, August 14, 1995. (Re-certification IACUC 101, March 28, 2009)

Focused Abdominal Sonogram for Trauma (FAST), University of Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, UT.  Certification, January 15, 2000.

Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse, Maltreatment, and Neglect-New York State,  

Certificate # MSSNNY9525, April 29, 2010.

Infection Control Certification for New York State Licensure (2010),

Certification ID: CRT-1055700. May 18, 2010.

Honors and Awards:

1980           Eagle Scout

1986-1987   Alpha Epsilon Delta Premedical Honors Society

            Vice-President, La Salle University

1987           General University Honors

            Honors Program, La Salle University 1983-1987

1993           Distinguished Performance Award in Neoplastic Diseases

            Hahnemann University School of Medicine

2005          Samson Resident Prize Essay 

    Whitten, MG, Reiss, GR, Choi, D, Lee, M, Kim, SW, Bull, DA. 

    Ischemia-Inducible Gene Therapy for Myocardial Infarction. 

    Western Thoracic Surgery Association, Victoria, BC.

Teaching Responsibilities and Community Activities:

1989-1993    Adolescent Substance Abuse Program 

Hahnemann University School of Medicine

Position:  Volunteer Teacher

1998-1999    Surgical Residency Committee

Hahnemann University School of Medicine

Position:  Surgical Resident Representative

2003-2008    Core Curriculum Review in Thoracic Surgery

LDS Hospital and University of Utah Divisions of 

Cardiothoracic Surgery 

Position: Teaching Faculty

2004-2010    Practitioner Health Committee

VA Salt Lake City Medical Center 

Position: Chair

2005-2008   National Academy of Perioperative Echocardiography (NAPE) 

University of Utah Department of Anesthesia

Position: Teaching Faculty

2005-2010    Research and Development Committee 

VA Salt Lake City Medical Center

Position: Member (Chair 2006-2008)

2006-2008   BioDesign: Biomedical Device Innovation Program

University of Utah Department of Bioengineering

Position: Faculty-Champion

2007-2008   University of Utah Hospitals Cord Blood Program 

Position: Founder and Medical Director

2007-2009   University of Utah Cell Therapy Facility

Position: Medical Director

2008            Salt Lake Community College Biotechnology Curriculum

Cell Therapy and Regenerative Medicine

Position: Visiting Faculty

2008            University of Utah Osher Lifelong Learning Curriculum

Cell Therapy and Regenerative Medicine

Position: Course Director

2009-2010    Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) 

VA Salt Lake City Medical Center

Position: Chair

2011-12         Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapies (TCT)

The Cardiovascular Research Foundation

Position: Teaching Faculty

Research Training:

1995-1996     Surgical Research Fellow

Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Drexel University College of Medicine, Philadelphia

Thesis topics:   Intrathymic Injection as a Mechanism of Tolerance Induction without Chronic Immunosuppression in Cardiac Allografts and Xenografts                             

The Kinetics of Microchimerism after Cardiac Allotransplantation in the Experimental Intrathymic Pretreatment Model

Advisors:        Elizabeth P. Blankenhorn, PhD, Professor Department of Microbiology and Immunology

                      Verdi J. DiSesa, MD, Professor, Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery

1996-1998      Doctoral Candidate & Research Fellow

The Center for Gene Therapy, Drexel University College of Medicine, Philadelphia

Thesis Topic:   Mesenchymal Stem Cell Transplantation to Rescue Mammals from Lethal Conditioning and Enhance Solid Organ Tolerance

Advisor:          Darwin J. Prockop, MD, PhD, Professor and Director, The Center for Gene Therapy, Member, The National Academy of Sciences

Research Support:


1996            Transplantation Immunology Educational Grant     Award:  $500

American Society for Transplant Physicians

1996            Immunobiology Center Pilot Project Award            Award: $4,500

Hahnemann University School of Medicine

1996            House Staff Research Training Program Award    Award:  $4,500

Hahnemann University School of Medicine

1997            House Staff Research Training Program Award    Award:  $2,000

Hahnemann University School of Medicine

2003-2008        1HLO71541-01A1                         PI:  David A. Bull 

Source:  NIH/NHLBI 

Title:      Polymer Carrier for Ischemia-Inducible Gene Therapy  

Role:    Co-Investigator                                                           Award: $1.25MM

2004-2007        Western Institute for Biomedical Research (WIBR) Research Grant

Source:  WIBR

Title:  Stem Cell Therapy for the Treatment of Ischemic Heart Disease

Role:    PI                                                                              Award: $30K

2004-2008        Merit Review CLIM Award

Source:  Department of Veterans Affairs

Title:      Stem Cell Therapy as Adjunct to Revascularization: STAR             

Role:    PI                                                                              Award:  $925K

2005-2007        CATALYST Grant:                       PI:  Dean Y Li

Source:  University of Utah

Title:      Novel Angiogenic Therapies for Ischemic Cardiomyopathy

Role:    Co-Investigator                                                          Award: $200K

2006-2007        Center of Excellence Business Team Grant

Source:  State of Utah Governor’s Office of Economic Development 

Title:    Center of Excellence for Utah Center for Cell Therapy

Role:    Co-Director                                                              Award: $25K

2006-2007        Virtual Incubator Project Grant    PI: Glenn Prestwich 

Source:  The University of Utah Research Foundation

Title:     Extracellular Matrix Support of Stem Cells

Role:    Co-investigator                                                         Award: $50K

2007-2009        Utah Center of Excellence          Director: Kelley

Source:  State of Utah Governor’s Office of Economic Development

Title:    Center of Excellence for Cellular Therapy and Regenerative Medicine

Role:    Co-Director                                                             Award: $125K

2008 -2010    Allocure, Inc                                   PI: Westenfelder

Title: Phase I Clinical Trial:  Prevention and Treatment of Post-operative Acute Kidney Injury with Allogeneic Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Patients Who Require On-Pump Cardiac Surgery

    Role:     Co-Investigator        Self-Funded through Allocure, Inc

2009-2012        CBET-0932456                            PI: Peattie

Source:  NSF/Bioengineering

Title:  Collaborative Research: Engineering an Angiogenic Cardiac Patch

Role:    Co-Investigator                                                        Award: $400K

Regulatory Approvals:

FDA Investigational New Drug Application (IND) 

Product:      Autologous Bone Marrow Mononuclear Cells (BMNCs)

Indication:     Ischemic Heart Disease  

Sponsor:      G. Russell Reiss, MD

Position:      Sponsor-Investigator 


Product:      Autologous Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs)

Indication:    Acute Renal Failure Post-Cardiac Surgery 

Sponsor:      Allocure, Inc., Salt Lake City, UT 

Position:      Sub-Investigator  

FDA Investigational New Animal Drug Application (INAD)

Product:      Allogeneic cell-based therapy to be used in insulin-dependent diabetic dogs to provide them with a physiological, in vivo source of insulin. 

Indication:    Canine Type 1 Diabetes 

Sponsor:      SymbioCellTech, LLC, Salt Lake City, UT 

Position:      Pre-Clinical and Clinical Regulatory Advisor


“Stromal Cell Use” (99-320): Utilization and Application of Bone Marrow Stromal Cells to Enhance Hematopoiesis in a Mammal.  Inventors: Prockop, DJ; Reiss GR; Langell JT (US Patent Applications 20020058025, 20040208861, 20080102058)

Systems and Methods for Classifying and Screening Biological Materials for Use in Therapeutics and/or Research Purposes.  Inventors: Reiss, GR, Kelley, LL. 

(USPTO application 2009)

Lectures and Symposiums:

Stem Cells for Ischemic Heart Disease, The Utah Center for Advanced Imaging Research (UCAIR) Seminar Series, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah April 14, 2005.

Adult Stem Cells: Regulatory Issues and Cardiac Applications, The 2nd Annual Bacterin Scientific Retreat, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT, September 10, 2005.

Stem Cells for Ischemic Heart Disease. How close are we in the U.S? Cardiovascular Grand Rounds, The LDS Hospital, Salt Lake City, Utah October 5, 2005.

Clinical Application of Adult Derived Stem Cells.  BioInterface 2005, Surface and Biomaterials Foundation, Minneapolis MN, October 26, 2005.

Cell Therapy in the Open Heart.  International Society for Cellular Therapy 6th Annual Somatic Cell Therapy Symposium, Bethesda, MD, September 25, 2006.

The Future of Stem Cells in Medicine. Senator Orrin Hatch’s 22nd Annual Utah Women’s Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, October 30, 2006.

Regenerative Medicine in the Operating Room.  Association for Operating Room Nurses (AORN) local Chapter Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, April 10, 2007.

Umbilical Cord Blood Banking and Novel Stem Cell Therapies at the U, Park City Institute, Park City, UT, November 15, 2007.

Cell Therapy and Regenerative Medicine. AORN National Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, September 25, 2008.

20th Annual Cardiovascular Nurse and Technologist Symposium. Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapies (TCT) San Francisco, CA, November 7, 2011. Moderator.

Innovative Surgical Techniques and Technologies: Valvular Heart Disease Session, TCT, San Francisco, CA, November 9, 2011. Moderator.

New Paradigms in the Management of Valvular Heart Disease. St. Mary’s Hospital Grand Rounds, Madison, Wisconsin, April 5, 2012.

Management of Iliac Vascular Complications in TAVR. Wisconsin Valve Symposium: Spotlighting Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR), University of Wisconsin, Madison WI, September 20, 2013. Presenter and Moderator.

National and International Presentations:

1. - Shen Z, Muhiuddin M, Yokoyama H, Reiss GR, DiSesa VJ.  “Tolerance to Experimental Cardiac Allografts Requires a Time Lag Between Intrathymic Pretreatment and Transplantation.”  The Association for Academic Surgery Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, 1995.

2. - Shen Z, Muhiuddin M, Yokoyama H, Reiss GR, DiSesa VJ.  “The Induction of Tolerance to an Experimental Cardiac Allograft Requires Inoculation of Class II MHC Disparate Antigens.”  The Americam Association for Thoracic Surgery 76th Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, 1996.    

3. - Shen Z, Pelletier S, Muhiuddin MM, Yokoyama H, Reiss GR, DiSesa VJ.  “Different Immune Effects On Cardiac Allografts and Xenografts Induced by Neonatal Intrathymic Inoculation with Allo- and Xenogeneic Antigens.”  International Society of Heart & Lung Transplantation, Washington, DC, 1996.

4. - Goldstein, C, Reiss, GR, Yokoyama, H, Shen, Z, Muhiuddin MM, DiSesa, VJ.  “A Clinically Applicable Intrathymic Pretreatment Regimen Produces Tolerance to Experimental Cardiac Transplants.”  The American College of Surgeons 82nd Annual Clinical Congress, San Francisco, CA, 1996.

5. - Reiss, GR, Mohiuddin, MM, Blankenhorn, EP, DiSesa, VJ.  “Use of the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) to Detect Microchimerism after Intrathymic Injection in Experimental Heart Transplantation.”  The Society of University Surgeons 39th Annual University Surgical Residents’ Conference, Tampa, FL, 1997.

6. - Mohiuddin MM, Reiss GR, DiSesa VJ.  “Effect of Fetal and Neonatal Injection of Donor Fetal cells and Skin Grafts on Hamster to Rat Cardiac Xenograft Survival.”  The 4th International Congress for Xenotransplantation, Nantes, France, 1997. 

7. - Langell, JT, Reiss, GR, Cramer, DV, Blankenhorn, EP, Kresh, JY.  “Mycophenolic Acid and 3-Azido-3-Deoxythimadine Decrease Expression of the α-1,3-Galactosyl Carbohydrate on Porcine Endothelial Cells.”  The 4th International Congress for Xenotransplantation, Nantes, France, 1997. 

8. - Reiss, GR, Mohiuddin, MM, DiSesa, VJ.  “PCR to Detect Microchimerism in Experimental Heart Transplantation with Intrathymic Pretreatment: Evidence that Donor Cells Do Not Re-enter the Thymus.”  The American College of Surgeons 83rd Annual Clinical Congress, Chicago, IL, 1997.

9. - Langell, JT, Reiss, GR, Strong, J, Kresh, JY, Blankenhorn, EP. “Suppression of the α-1,3-Galactosyl Epitope by Golgi Expression of a Coffee Bean α-1,3-Galactosidase Transgene.”  American Society of Transplant Physicians 17th Annual Scientific Meeting, Chicago, IL, 1998.

10. -  Langell, JT,  Reiss, GR,  BlankenhornEP,  Kresh, JY. “3-Azido-3-Deoxythymidine Decreases Cell Surface Expression of the α-1,3-Galactosyl Carbohydrate on Porcine Endothelial Cells.”  American Society of Transplant Physicians 17th Annual Scientific Meeting, Chicago, IL, 1998.

11. - Langell, JT, Reiss, GR, DiSesa, VJ.  “Antisense Ribozyme Degradation of α-1,3-Galactosyltransferase mRNA: a possible mechanism for reduction of α-1,3Gal.”  American Society of Transplant Surgeons 24th Annual Scientific Meeting, Chicago, IL, 1998.

12. - Mohiuddin, MM,  Yokoyama, H,  Reiss, GR,  DiSesa, VJ.  “Induction of Tolerance to an ‘Untolerizable’ Strain by Double-Strain Intrathymic Inoculation in Experimental Rat Cardiac Transplantation.”  The Transplantation Society, XVII World Congress, Montreal, Canada, 1998.

13. - Reiss, GR, Langell, JT, Mohiuddin, MM, DiSesa, VJ, Prockop, DJ. “Rescue from Lethal Total Body Irradiation by Allogenic Marrow Stromal Cells.”  The American College of Surgeons 84th Annual Clinical Congress, Orlando, FL, 1998. 

14. - Choi, D, Lee, M, Bull, DA, Reiss, GR, Chang, C, Christensen, L, Kim, SW.  Hypoxia-Inducible VEGF Gene Therapy Using the RTP801 Promoter.  The American Society of Gene Therapy 7th Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, 2004.

15. - Whitten, MG, Reiss, GR, Choi, D, Lee, M, Kim, SW, Bull, DA. Ischemia-Iinducible Gene Therapy for Myocardial Infarction. Western Thoracic Surgery Association, Victoria, BC, 2005.

16. – Toegel, FE, Hu, P, Hu, Z, Yang, Y, Reiss, GR, Westenfelder, C. Development of a highly sensitive, in vivo Bioluminescence Assay to investigate the Homing and Distribution of administered Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSC) in Acute Kidney Injury (AKI). American Society of Nephrology, San Diego, CA, 2006.

17. – Connors, RC, Muir, JJ, Reiss, GR, Whitten, MG, Sorenson, TK, Albanil, A, Liu, Y, Prestwich, GD, Bull, DA. Postoperative Pericardial Adhesion Prevention using CARBYLANTM-SX in a rabbit model.  2nd Academic Surgical Congress, Phoenix, AZ, February 2007.

18. – Reiss, GR, Williams, MR. Simultaneous Hybrid Revascularization. New York Society of Thoracic Surgeons. New York, NY, February 2011.

19. - Elia, R, Newhide, DR, Pedevillano, PD, Reiss, GR, Firpo, MA, Hsu, EW, Kaplan, DL, Prestwich, GD, and Peattie, RA. A Novel Securable Hyaluronic Acid-Silk Hydrogel Composite for Controlled Drug Release. Biomedical Engineering Society, Hartford, CT, October 2011.

20. - Reiss, GR. Essential Review of the Data: Hybrid Revascularization. 20th Annual Cardiovascular Nurse and Technologist Symposium. Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapies (TCT) San Francisco, CA, November 7, 2011.

21. - Reiss, GR, Williams, MR. Trans-Apical Closure of Perivalvular Leaks. TCT, San Francisco, CA, November 9, 2011.


1. - Goldstein C, Reiss GR, Yokoyama H, Shen Z, Muhiuddin M, DiSesa VJ.  A Clinically Applicable Intrathymic Pretreatment Regimen Produces Tolerance to Experimental Cardiac Transplants.  Surgical Forum, 1996;47:245.

2. - Langell, JT, Reiss, GR, Cramer, DV, Blankenhorn, EP, Kresh, JY.  Mycophenolic Acid and 3-Azido-3-Deoxythymidine Decrease Expression of the α-1,3-Galactosyl Carbohydrate on Porcine Endothelial Cells.  The 4th International Congress for Xenotransplantation 1997, Book of Abstracts: O24.

3. - Mohiuddin, MM, Reiss, GR, DiSesa, VJ.  Effect of Fetal and Neonatal Injection of Donor Fetal cells and Skin Grafts on Hamster to Rat Cardiac Xenograft Survival.  The 4th International Congress for Xenotransplantation 1997, Book of Abstracts: P276.

4. - Reiss, GR, Mohiuddin, MM, DiSesa, VJ.  PCR to Detect Microchimerism in Experimental Heart Transplantation with Intrathymic Pretreatment: Evidence that Donor Cells Do Not Re-enter the Thymus. Surgical Forum, 1997; 48:505-508.

5. - Langell, JT, Reiss, GR, Strong, J, Kresh, JY, Blankenhorn, EP.  Suppression of the α-1,3-Galactosyl Epitope by Golgi Expression of a Coffee Bean α-1,3-Galactosidase Transgene.  Transplantation, 1998; 65 (12):S184.

6. - Langell, JT,  Reiss, GR,  Cramer, DV, BlankenhornEP,  Kresh, JY.   3-Azido-3-Deoxythymidine Decreases Cell Surface Expression of the α-1,3-Galactosyl Carbohydrate on Porcine Endothelial Cells.  Transplantation, 1998; 65 (12):S184. 

7. - Langell, JT, Reiss, GR, DiSesa, VJ.  Antisense Ribozyme-Mediated Cleavage of α-1,3-Galactosyltransferase mRNA: a mechanism for reduction of the α-1,3-Galactosyl EpitopeTransplantation, 1998; 66(8):S27.

8. - Langell, JT, Reiss, GR, DiSesa, VJ.  Antisense Ribozyme Degradation of α-1,3-Galactosyltransferase mRNA: a possible mechanism for reduction of α-1,3Gal.  American Society of Transplant Surgeons 24th Annual Scientific Meeting Program, 1998; 105. 

9. - Reiss, GR, Langell, JT, Mohiuddin, MM, DiSesa, VJ, Prockop, DJ.  Rescue from Lethal Total Body Irradiation by Allogenic Marrow Stromal Cells.  Surgical Forum, 1998; 49:392-394.

10. - Choi, D, Lee, M, Bull, DA, Reiss, GR, Chang, C, Christensen, L, Kim, SW.  Hypoxia-Inducible VEGF Gene Therapy Using the RTP801 Promoter.  Molecular Therapy, 2004.

Book Chapters:

1. - Reiss, GR, “General Surgery: Experimental Work”, in Ocular Applications of the Fugo Blade. Roy, H et al., eds. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2010.

2. - Reiss, GR, Williams, MR, “Role of the Cardiac Surgeon”, in Interventional Cardiology 6th Edition, Topol and Tierstien, eds. Elsevier, 2011.

3. - Reiss, GR, Williams, MR, “Hybrid treatments and future perspectives”, in Coronary Atherosclerosis: Current Management and Treatment, 1st Edition. Arampatzis, C, et al. Informa, 2012.

4. - George, I, Reiss, GR, Williams, MR, “Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement”, in Mastery of Cardiothoracic Surgery 3rd Edition. Kaiser, Kron, and Spray, eds. 2013.

5. - Reiss, GR, Williams, MR, “Role of the Cardiac Surgeon”, in Interventional Cardiology 7th Edition, Topol and Tierstien, eds. Elsevier, 2015.


1. -  Shen Z, Muhiuddin M, Yokoyama H, Reiss GR, DiSesa VJ.  Induction of Tolerance to an Experimental Cardiac Allograft Requires Inoculation of Class II MHC Disparate Antigens.  J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg, 1996; 112:1315-1318.

2. - Shen Z, Pelletier S, Muhiuddin MM, Yokoyama H, Reiss GR, DiSesa VJ.  Different Immune Effects On Cardiac Allografts and Xenografts Induced by Neonatal Intrathymic Inoculation with Allo- and Xenogeneic Antigens.  J Heart & Lung Trans, 1996; 15(10): 1034-1038.

3. - Goldstein C, Reiss GR, Yokoyama H, Shen Z, Muhiuddin MM, DiSesa VJ.  Tolerance to Experimental Cardiac Allografts Requires a Time Lag Between Intrathymic Pretreatment and Transplantation.  J Surgical Research, 1996; 63(1): 83-85.

4. - Mohiuddin MM, Yokoyama H, Reiss GR,  DiSesa VJ.  Induction of Tolerance to an "Untolerizable" Strain by Double-Strain Intrathymic Inoculation in Experimental Rat Cardiac Transplantation. Transplantation Proceedings. 1999; 31(1-2): 838-9.

5. - Emerson L, Layfield LJ, Reiss R, Mulvihill S, Holden J.  Malignant Islet Cell Tumor with Sarcomatous Differentiation. Mod Pathol 2001 Nov; 14(11): 1187-91. 

6. - Connors RC, Muir JJ, Reiss GR, Liu Y, Kouretas PC, Whitten MG, Sorenson TK, Prestwich GD, Bull DA. Postoperative Pericardial Adhesion Prevention Using CARBYLANTM-SX in a Rabbit Model. J Surgical Research, 2007; 140,237-42.

7. - Gooch A, Doty J, Flores J, Swenson L, Toegel F, Reiss GR, Lange C, Zander AR, Hu Z, Yang P, Poole S, Westenfelder C.  Initial Report on a Phase I Clinical Trial:  Prevention and Treatment of Post-operative Acute Kidney Injury with Allogeneic Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Patients Who Require On-Pump Cardiac Surgery. Cell Therap and Transplant. 2008; Vol. 1, No. 2, 24 Dec; 31-35.

8. - Balter, S, Zanaonico, P, Reiss, GR, Moses, JW.  Radiation is Not the Only Risk. Am J Roentgenol. 2011 April; (196): 762-67.

9. - Genereux, P, Kodali, S, Leon, MB, Smith, CR, Kirtane, AJ, Ben-Gal, Y, Daneault, B, Reiss, GR, Moses, JW, Williams, MR. Clinical Outcomes Using a New Crossover Balloon Occlusion Technique for Percutaneous Closure After Transfemoral Aortic Valve Implantation. J Am Coll Cardiol Intv 2011, 4:861-7.

10. – Reiss, GR, Smith, CR. PARTNER B: Where will it take us? Semin Thorac Cardiovac Surg 2011, Vol. 23, 2:85-86.

11. - Daneault, B, Kirtane, AJ, Kodali, SK, Williams, MR, Généreux, P, Reiss, GR, Smith, CR, Moses, JW, Leon, MB. Stroke Associated with Treatment of Aortic Stenosis: A Comprehensive Review. J Am Coll Cardiol 2011, vol. 58 (21) 2143-50.

12. - Généreux, P, Reiss, GR, Kodali, SK, Williams, MR, Daneault, B, McEntegart, M, Moses, JW, Smith, CR, Leon, MB, Hahn, RT. Peri-aortic Hematoma after Trans-catheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR): Description of a new complication. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2012 Apr 1;79(5):766-76. 

13. - Daneault, B, Balter, S, Kodali, SK, Williams, MR, Généreux, P, Kirtane, AJ, Reiss, GR, Green, P, Smith, CR, Moses, JW, Leon, MB. Radiation Exposure During Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement Procedures. EuroIntervention. 2012 Oct 22;8(6):679-84.

14. – Elia, RE, Newhide, DR, Pedevillano, PD, Reiss, GR. Firpo, MA, Hsu. EW, Kaplan, DL, Prestwich, GW, Peattie, RA. Silk-Hyaluronan-based Composite Hydrogels: a Novel, Securable Vehicle for Drug Delivery. J Biomater Appl 2013, Feb;27(6):749-62. 

15. - Daneault, B, Koss, E, Hahn, R, Kodali, SK, Williams, MR, Généreux, P, Paradis, J, George, I, Reiss, GR, Moses, JW, Smith, CR, Leon, MB. Efficacy and Safety of Post-Dilatation to Reduce Paravalvular Regurgitation During Balloon-Expandable Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement. Circ Cardiovasc Interv, 2013, Feb;6(1):85-91.

16. - Svensson, LG, Adams, DH, Bonow, RO, Kouchoukos, NT, Miller, DC, O’Gara, PT, Shahian, DM, Schaff, HV, Akins, CW, Baveria, J, Blackstone, EH, David, TE, Desai, ND, Dewey, T, D’Agostino, RS, Gleason, T, Harrington, KB, Kodali, S, Kapadia, S, Leon, M, Lima, B, Lytle, BW, Mack, MJ, Reece, TB, Reiss, GR, Roselli, E, Smith, CR, Thourani, VH, Tuzcu, EM, Webb, J, Williams, MR.  Aortic Valve and Ascending Aorta Guidelines for Management and Quality Measures: Executive Summary. Ann Thorac Surg. 2013, Apr;95(4):1491-505

17. - Ertelt K, Généreux P, Mintz GS, Reiss GR, Kirtane AJ, Madhavan MV, Fahy M, Williams MR, Brener SJ, Mehran R, Stone GW. Impact of the Severity of Coronary Artery Calcification on Clinical Events in Patients Undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (from the Acute Catheterization and Urgent Intervention Triage Strategy Trial). Am J Cardiol. 2013, Dec 1;112(11):1730-7

18 - Généreux P, Bernard S, Palmerini T, Caixeta A, Rosner G, Reiss GR, Xu K, Mehran R, Stone GW. Incidence, predictors, and impact of neurological events in non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes: the ACUITY trial. EuroIntervention. 2015 Aug;11(4):399-406.

Professional Interests:

Sports Science & Human Performance

Cell Therapy and Regenerative Medicine

Life Science and Medical Device Commercialization

Adult Cardiac Surgery, Interventional Cardiology & Transcatheter Valve Therapies

Personal Interests:

Skiing, Dirt & Mountain Biking, Camping, Fly Fishing, Music